Boost your Babywearing


High-quality bite-sized and opinion-free videos designed just for you!


No matter where you are,
what timezone you're in, these videos are available to you 24/7. 


New to babywearing or already a professional? Videos for every level of experience

Boost your Babywearing 101

New to babywearing or baby carriers? With this class you'll:

  • get an overview of carrier types
  • learn how to set the carriers up and use them
  • plus learn some troubleshooting tips.
  • All Teaching videos are with a weighted doll,

    • but you will find videos with a real baby too! 

Learn about the why's of babywearing, infant positioning options and how you can support your babies development!

Everything you need to get your babywearing journey started!

(Perfect gift for parents-to-be too!)

Boost Your Babywearing Pro

Join our community for videos, meet-ups, and monthly fun!

Never worry you will encounter a carrier you are not familiar with again! 

We're creating a growing video vault with detailed videos on specific carrier models. From:

  • "what buckle goes where"
  • what should have been in the box
  • to tips & tricks

Get ready to help your client with their carrier, feel more confident and prepared.

Want a space to dive deep into carriers, current topics, and explore the work? Join our community!

Or use the videos for your personal babywearing journey!

Let's explore the baby carrier jungle, together!

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